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Manage Number Features

The Bandwidth Phone Number Phone Number API allows the association of a number of “Option” or “Feature” characteristics with a Telephone Number.

Line Options feature management is NOT available for Phone numbers that have been imported for use with Hosted Messaging.

Single TN Option Assignment

There are a number of TN capabilities that can be easily assigned directly to the Telephone Number(TN) on a per-TN basis. This set of Per-TN Options includes:

  • Call Forwarding
  • Rewrite User
  • Inbound Calls Number Format
  • Remote Party ID Format

The path for managing these options is: /accounts/{accountId>/sites/{siteId}/sippeers/{sippeerId}/tns/{tn#}

TnOptions Orders

Most telephone number features are controlled by the TnOptions order type. This API endpoint allows you to configure different settings for multiple groups of numbers in one API call. For example: you can set LIDB information on one group of numbers and DLDA information on another entirely different group of numbers in the same API call.

Request URL


TnOptions Request Body Fields

CustomerOrderIdOptionalCustom StringCustomer order ID field - set by user to help identify orders
TnOptionGroupsRequiredContains one or more <TnOptionGroup> objects
TnOptionGroupRequiredOrder is required to contain at least one - this contains the settings and <TelephoneNumbers> to adjust
PortOutPasscodeOptionalalphanumeric string 4-10 characters or unchanged or systemDefaultUsed to set portout passcode protection on a set of numbers. Use systemDefault to set the value to null
CallForwardOptional10 digit number or unchanged or systemDefaultSet Call Forwarding for numbers on a SIP location. Use systemDefault to set the value to null
CallingNameDisplayOptionalon or off or unchanged or systemDefaultTurn on/off CallingNameDisplay for a group of numbers.
SMSOptionalon or off or unchangedTurn on/off SMS for a group of numbers
FinalDestinationURIOptionalstring or unchanged or systemDefaultSet a final destination (failover) URI on a group of numbers
NNIDOptionalintiger or unchanged or systemDefaultUpdate the NNID for a group of numbers
ESPIDOptionalstring or unchanged or systemDefaultUpdate the ESPID for a group of numbers



POST{accountId}/tnOptions HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=



HTTP 201 Created

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

Fetch TnOptions Order Status

Since the TnOptions order is asynchronous, it is recommended to create a tnoptions subscription to receive order status webhooks. Otherwise, you need to poll accounts/{accountId}/tnOptions/{orderId} to get the order status.


GET{accountId}/tnOptions/{orderId} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=


200 OK

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Description>SMS is already Enabled or number is in processing.</Description>

Calling Name Display Update (LIDB)

The Bandwidth Phone Number API allows the updating of CNAM Display (LIDB) information in the network for Bandwidth TNs managed within the customer's account. This capability works within the same asynchronous work-order mechanism as is used for managing other delay-prone system interactions, where a “work-order” is created by the initial API call, and used as a reference for tracking and confirming the subsequent states, and the ultimate success and failure of the result.

Request URL


LIDBS Request Body Fields

LidbTnGroupsContains a list of LidbTnGroup objects
LidbTnGroupContains the TelephoneNumbers object and other required attributes
CustomerOrderIdStringCustom order id field - optional
TelephoneNumbersContains a list of TelephoneNumber objects
TelephoneNumber10 digit Telephone NumberThe number to be associated with the CNAM information provided
SubscriberInformationStringThe value displayed to the user receiving the phone call from the Telephone numbers in the TelephoneNumbers List
VisibilityPUBLIC or PRIVATEIf tagged as PRIVATE then the data will be provided, but the display will not be provided on a standard phone call


POST{accountId}/lidbs HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=

<SubscriberInformation>Joes Garage</SubscriberInformation>
<SubscriberInformation>Joes Storage</SubscriberInformation>


HTTP 201 Created

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Description>Cannot add LIDB to a telephone number that already has LIDB or is in process</Description>
<SubscriberInformation>Joes Garage</SubscriberInformation>
<SubscriberInformation>Joes Storage</SubscriberInformation>

Fetch LIDB Order Status

Since the LIDB order is asynchronous, it is recommended to create a lidbs subscription to receive order status webhooks. Otherwise, you need to poll accounts/{accountId}/lidbs/{orderId} to get the order status.


These orders require manual intervention and take over 24 hours to process.


GET{accountId}/lidbs/{orderId} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

Directory Listing and Directory Assistance (DLDA)

The DLDA service allows the association of a name and address listing with a Telephone Number or Telephone Numbers in the Bandwidth Phone Number Phone Number system. The DLDA API follows the asynchronous order processing request model described elsewhere in this document, where a request is submitted, an order ID is returned as an ID of that request or order, and then the request is fulfilled in the background. The status of the request is reflected in the status of the order, and can be queried at any time.

Request URL


DLDA Fields

There are a number of fields involved in submitting a DLDA order, summarized in the table below:

Field NameField Meaning and ValuesAPI Elementrequired
Listed Telephone Number10 Digit US Number<TelephoneNumber>Yes
Listing TypeListed (in DA & Dir)NonListed (in DA Only),NonPublished (No DA & No Dir)<ListingType>Yes
Type of AccountResidential orBusiness<SubscriberType>Yes
Listed Name LastLast Name or First Name of Business<LastName>Yes
Listed Name FirstFirst Name or Remaining Name of Business<FirstName>
Listed Name First 2First name of Second Party.  It will be appended to the First Name with an "&"<FirstName2>
DesignationAtty, Plmbr, etc…<Designation>
Title of LineageJr, Sr, III, IV, etc…<TitleOfLineage>
Title of AddressRev, Sgt, etc…<TitleOfAddress>
Title of Address2Dr, etc..<TitleOfAddress2>
Title of Lineage for Dual NameJr, Sr, III, IV, etc…<TitleOfLineageName2>
Title of Address 1 for Dual NameRev, Sgt, etc…<TitleOfAddressName2>
Title of Address 2 for Dual NameDr, etc..<TitleOfAddress2Name2>
Place Listing AsBusiness Name Sorting String.  This will be used as a string to control the sorting of the Listing if the Business Name above would not yield the correct results. For example, if 1040 Tax was the listed name; the PLA would be populated as either One Zero Forty Tax, Ten Forty Tax, or One Zero Four Zero Tax. The words within the PLA field will tell the publishers how to alphabetize the listed name.<PlaceListingAs>
Address IndicatorUsed to control whether the address is listed or not.<ListAddress>Yes
Listed Address House Number PrefixValid USPS Prefix<HousePrefix>
Listed Address House NumberValid USPS House Number<HouseNumber>
Listed Address Street No SuffixValid USPS Street Number Suffix<HouseSuffix>
Listed Address Street DirectionalN = North, S = South, E = East, W = West, NE = Northeast,NW = Northwest, SE = Southeast, SW = Southwest<PreDirectional>
Listed Address Street NameValid USPS Street Name<StreetName>
Listed Address Street ThoroughfareSt, Rd, Ct, Dr, etc…<StreetSuffix>
Listed Address Street Directional SuffixN = North, S = South, E = East, W = West, NE = Northeast,NW = Northwest, SE = Southeast, SW = Southwest<PostDirectional>
Listed Address LocationSuite 320, Apartment 104A, 2nd Floor, 3rd Level, etc.<AddressLine2>
Listed Address CityValid USPS Community<City>Yes
Listed Address StateValid USPS State<StateCode>Yes
Listed Address Zip CodeValid USPS Zip Code, zip plus code or international zip code<Zip>Yes



POST{accountId}/dldas HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=



HTTP 201 Created

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Country>United States</Country>

Fetch DLDA Order Status

Since the DLDA order is asynchronous, it is recommended to create a dldas subscription to receive order status webhooks. Otherwise, you need to poll accounts/{accountId}/dlda/{orderId} to get the order status.


GET{accountId}/dlda/{orderId} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<Description>DL/DA information cannot be changed because the number is already being processed </Description>
<City>New York</City>
<Country>United States</Country>

Checking DLDA information associated with a TN

GET{tn}/tndetails retrieves detailed information about the phone number.

In addition to the name and address information inherent in a DLDA update, the DLDA information associated with the TN includes a <Status> value that indicates whether the DLDA information has been successfully registered with the Listing provider, or is in some other state. Valid values for the <Status> element are:

SuccessThe information reported in the payload is the information that has been successfully registered with the Listing Provider. If a subsequent attempt has been made and failed, the original successful status and information will be retained. The failure can be interpreted based on the order state.
FailedThe only attempt to update DLDA information for this TN has failed, and there is no DLDA information associated with the TN with the Listing Provider.
Pending-EditableAn attempt to update DLDA information with the Listing Provider is in progress, but can be altered.
Pending-LockedAn attempt to update DLDA information with the Listing Provider is in progress, but cannot be changed at this time. A new order will be required once the current attempt succeeds or fails.

If the <Status> of the DLDA order impacting the TN is transient, indicating that there is an order in process and the outcome is inconclusive, the DLDA information will be replaced with a link to the order currently processing a DLDA change for that TN. This will be the case if the status is Pending-Editable or Pending-Locked.

Set a Failover URI

Please Note that the Failover URI functionality is only available for SIP Voice users at this time.

Setting a failover URI (Final Destination URI) allows Bandwidth to forward voice traffic to an alternate number in the event of a delivery failure to your original call route.

Setup Failover on a Location (Sip-Peer)


Sip URI Format: sip:{address}@{host}

PSTN Format: +13332221111@PSTN


This PUT request is idempotent - it will overwrite the existing location (sip-peer) settings when made so be sure to include any previous settings that must persist on the location or you risk replacing them with their default null values


PUT{accountId}/sites/{siteId}/sippeers/{sippeerId} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=




Setup Failover on a Single Number/Group of Numbers


Sip URI Format: name@ip-address:port

PSTN Format: 3332221111

POST{accountId}/tnoptions HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=



HTTP 201 Created


More detailed information on setting a Final Destination URI can be found here.