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v10 -> v11

Call Transcription Model


detectedLanguageCallTranscriptionDetectedLanguageEnumThe detected language for this transcription.[optional]
trackCallTranscriptionTrackEnumWhich track this transcription is derived from.[optional]
transcriptStringThe transcription itself.[optional]
confidenceDoubleHow confident the transcription engine was in transcribing the associated audio (from 0 to 1).[optional]


  • EN_US (value: "en-US")
  • ES_US (value: "es-US")
  • FR_FR (value: "fr-FR")


  • INBOUND (value: "inbound")
  • OUTBOUND (value: "outbound")

Call Recording Metadata Model


applicationIdStringThe id of the application associated with the call.[optional]
accountIdStringThe user account associated with the call.[optional]
callIdStringThe call id associated with the event.[optional]
parentCallIdString(optional) If the event is related to the B leg of a <Transfer>, the call id of the original call leg that executed the <Transfer>. Otherwise, this field will not be present.[optional]
recordingIdStringThe unique ID of this recording[optional]
toStringThe phone number that received the call, in E.164 format (e.g. +15555555555).[optional]
fromStringThe provided identifier of the caller. Must be a phone number in E.164 format (e.g. +15555555555).[optional]
transferCallerIdStringThe phone number used as the from field of the B-leg call, in E.164 format (e.g. +15555555555).[optional]
transferToStringThe phone number used as the to field of the B-leg call, in E.164 format (e.g. +15555555555).[optional]
durationStringThe duration of the recording in ISO-8601 format[optional]
channelsIntegerAlways 1 for conference recordings; multi-channel recordings are not supported on conferences.[optional]
startTimeOffsetDateTimeTime the call was started, in ISO 8601 format.[optional]
endTimeOffsetDateTimeThe time that the recording ended in ISO-8601 format[optional]
statusStringThe current status of the process. For recording, current possible values are 'processing', 'partial', 'complete', 'deleted', and 'error'. For transcriptions, current possible values are 'none', 'processing', 'available', 'error', 'timeout', 'file-size-too-big', and 'file-size-too-small'. Additional states may be added in the future, so your application must be tolerant of unknown values.[optional]
mediaUrlURIThe URL that can be used to download the recording. Only present if the recording is finished and may be downloaded.[optional]
recordingNameStringA name to identify this recording.[optional]