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Event Webhook

The notification webhook API is used to notify customers of events and changes that occur with various feature and service orders that are being processed by the Bandwidth Numbers API on their behalf. In general this notification webhook will be called whenever an event occurs.

The event notifications occur when TNs in your account are impacted due to orders outside of your account. For example, a MESSAGING_LOST event is reported on a TN with hosted messaging service in your account when a port-in order placed by another account on the same TN is executed.

An order placed in your account to remove the TN will NOT report a MESSAGING_LOST event. Please see the subscription documentation to understand how to register the notification webhook API with the Bandwidth Numbers API.


SubscriptionIdStringSubscription ID that the notification is in response to.
EventTypeStringType of event that the notification applies to.
ImpactedTelephoneNumbersList of <TelephoneNumber>List of the impacted telephone numbers for event notifications

Example 1 of 1: Event Notification

Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<TelephoneNumber> ... </TelephoneNumber>