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Imports FAQs

1. What is the difference between the 'status', and the 'mnoStatusList' field?

The 'status' field is the status of the campaign from the TCR perspective. The 'mnoStatusList' field, is a list of statuses from the individual carrier perspective. Both sets of statuses are entirely independent. It is possible to have a campaign that is in 'ACTIVE' status from the TCR perspective, but have 'REJECTED' statuses from one or more carriers.

2. What are all the possible 'status' field values?

  • 'ACTIVE'

3. What are all the possible 'mnoStatus' field values?

  • 'REVIEW'

4. My campaign has been rejected by one or more carriers, how can I get them to approve?

At this point, the carriers campaign review rules are unknown to Bandwidth. To get your campaign re-reviewed, you will have to update your campaign and re-submit.

5. How do I share my campaigns with Bandwidth DCA?

You can share your campaigns with Bandwidth DCA in the TCR UI or by making a request to PUT{campaignId}/sharing/BANDW - For more info, please see the TCR CSP API Documentation